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Coronavirus, Remember ! 6.


6. "THE WUHAN P4 LABORATORY" Thursday March 19, 2020. It was with a certain nostalgia that I looked at my work table this morning at the Bristol of my annual concert season. A series of five chamber music concerts organized by the offspring of a cellist dynasty, Bassal. How good it would be to be able to sit in the garnet velvet armchair and attend a concert, without a microphone, without introductory commentary, with only the ear connected to the sound, and the eyes to the formations. I look at the "menu". March 12, Boccherini, Vivaldi, Kummer, March 26 Piazzolla, Klezmer, April 16, Beethoven, April 30 Hummel, Czerni and finally May 14 Vivaldi and Bach. Will we have the chance to attend only one of these concerts? March 12, canceled. March 26, certainly too. April 16? April 16 is the Thursday after Easter. One month after the start of confinement in France. Where will we be then? Italy has 36,000 confirmed cases and places the peak of contamination on March 23 and 24. In Italy, confinement expires on April 3 and should be extended. The same will undoubtedly be the case in France where the Easter school holidays, which take place in three waves from April 4, until May 3, will undoubtedly be the extension of confinement. The numbers are like a torrent swollen by the rain. Today Thursday March 19. 9,130 ​​cases diagnosed by PCR test, or 1,400 more than yesterday Wednesday March 18. 3,620 hospitalized, i.e. 1,041 more than the day before, 931 in intensive care, or 232 more than the day before. To reassure us, there are much more spectacular progressions. On facebook an 18 minute video has been viewed 3 million times and shared 100,000 times. We are talking about a "viral" video. In this video with the enigmatic title, "EP169482981", a man facing the camera, with cheeks marked with small triangular paws, French-speaking, and who films himself in his kitchen that can be seen in the corners, gives us the shot of a breathless thriller. He holds up a wad of paper. And reads us the patent filing of Corona-Sars by the Pasteur Institute dating from 2003. According to him, the Covid 19 would be a creation of the Pasteur Institute and it would have escaped in the wings of a laboratory bat .

Tempting! The city of Wuhan, the seventh most populous in China with its 11 million inhabitants, an iron and steel region, is the city in China receiving the most French investment. There is the main industrial site of PSA Peugeot Citroën and Nissan with the local Dongfeng group. Since 2000, all Citroën spare parts have been produced there. SEB has a production unit.

But in Wuhan, too, there is an Institute of Virology which has a P4 laboratory, doing high-level research. It was built in partnership with France. In 2017 it was inaugurated in the presence of? From?…. Yves Lévy, director immunologist at the time of Inserm. And who is Yves Lévy? You'll never Gess ! He is the husband of Agnès Buzin, ex-minister of health who resigned to run as mayor of the capital! Another leap and our alert creator tells us that patent EP16482981 shows that the virus that has invaded us is a creation of the Institut Pasteur.

Denial of the Pasteur Institute which provides some specific information. The coronavirus is a virus that occurs naturally in some animals, in some bats and also in the Pangolin. The virus is called SARS-COV-2. It is he who causes the disease called COVID-19. SARS-COV- 2 is one of the many existing coronaviruses. We should be talking about a "new" coronavirus. In 2002, the first coronavirus, named SARS-COV-1, hit China, responsible for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Research ensues, benefiting the current SARS-COV-2, and a candidate vaccine is the subject of a Declaration of Intent under the number "EP169482981" ...

The recipe for conspiracy is simple: it consists of linking objective facts by "grinding" them to corners ...

No more joking, and let's think instead of Sabrina Aurora who wants to cry because she leaves urgently at night at home and she has only a mask and no gown, to Jean Pierre Mazzucotelli, head of department and surgery of Strasbourg University Hospitals (HUS), which fears that very quickly, overwhelmed hospitals will practice war medicine, that is to say medicine where we are forced to choose who we save, and who we let die .
Jean Rottner, doctor and president of the “great East” region speaks to us about a catastrophic health situation, “… of young people who must be intubated urgently, of elderly people swept away in a few hours, of medical teams who arrive at complete saturation, people crying… ”

Yesterday, Wednesday March 18, at 8 p.m., a Parisian filmed from the top of his tower, as far as the eye could see, an illuminated and perfectly silent Paris from which rose, in crescendo, applause and "bravos" to thank and salute the courage of those who are at the front.

Illustrations are by Juanjo Surace
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